Celebrate like HAIL

Congrats Dr. Zheng!

Celebrating Min Zheng's successful PhD defense

HAIL at sail

Enjoying the TaCitS conference dinner cruise

Multiple award winners

Spring 2017 Mark receives CS department's Bloom award for theoretical CS, Samantha receives Provost's award for early career research excellence, Shina passes algorithms qual!


Congrats to Min on his first paper as first author!

UbiComp 2016

Congrats to Mark on his first paper as first author and receiving a best paper honorable mention award for it!

Diabetes paper accepted!

We developed new methods to better model uncertainty in causal inference and applied these to free-living data from people with diabetes.

Diabetes paper accepted!

Still celebrating!

R01 renewed!

We'll be working on better use of noisy and changing data to understand stroke recovery and outcomes.

Run like HAIL

2016 5K

We ran a 5K along the waterfront in Hoboken. Congrats to Min on taking first place among team HAIL!

Summer 2017 5K

Despite the summer heat, we had a great time at our second 5k. Congrats to Ivan on outkicking everyone!

October 2017 5K

At our second annual HobOOken 5k, the professors finally came out on top. Congrats to Jeff on beating us all by a large margin in his very first race!